Virtual conference: Data, AI and public sector governance. 15.9.2022.

Welcome to the “Data, AI and Public Sector Governance” virtual conference on September 15th 2022. The conference will bring together researchers, public sector authorities, and experts in the field of data and AI. The goal of the conference is to open up avenues for sharing research based accounts on how to develop responsible public sector governance in the digital era, distribute good practices, and give sparks for developing and discussing administrative practices in a localizable way. We hope to have participants all over the globe!

The registration is open now! For more information, schedule, speakers, and registration will be found here.

The conference will begin with two keynotes, by Former President of Finland Tarja Halonen and United Nations Assistant Secretary-General, Executive Director of UNITAR, Nikhil Seth.

Topics of panels and workshops include:

  • AI governance – For whom are the AI systems being developed?
  • Data literacy – What do we need to know about data and AI in order to develop responsible systems and applications for governance?
  • Privacy and anonymity – How can sensitive data be used while ensuring privacy of data subjects?
  • Civic engagement – How to ensure that AI systems are inclusive, equitable, and accountable?
  • Ethics for artificial intelligence – How can the UNESCO Recommendation be put in place in public sector governance by developing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, policy frameworks, and regulatory approaches?
  • Sustainability – Can AI help in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
  • Datawork – How is data made? Who does the data work for? What resources does data work require?

Conference is arranged by DataLit project at University of Helsinki in partnership with UNITARFCAIUniversity of Eastern FinlandETAIROS-project, Aalto UniversityTampere University and VTT.